A personal recount of a life within Berlin, Venice and the EU

Saturday, January 31, 2009

I. Berlin´s speech/1
I agree with him once more. A very intelligent thinker, once more.

Friday, January 30, 2009

From the cold though comfortable Swiss heights, another debate that brings nowhere....?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Jealous for the girlfriends I do not have, impatient to show they are cool with the thing no matter what, all of them with a boyfriend who - allegedly - is the perfect guy (to be noticed the comparison of a boyfriend with a provider of services they are looking for, that is the language they use), they nevertheless disintegrate my patience in a sort of perpetual way...and I do not get anything else from them...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

CNN on Tiergarten

Have a look...

No eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth...

Anyhow and anywho, against death penalty should we all be.
I feel so much like a reckless nerd today...oh my god, it is paramounting...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


What I found out, what I watched and what I read online this evening.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

All love letters, good intentions or statements of goodwill have just been swept away, literally, by a stupid automatically planned option that you click on in these stupid social networks websites...so deeply and unexpected...

I am still so vulnerable and at short with other solutions...


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Worsening Relations
After years on inactivity, I went to rehearsal with a friend...three times in a week was fun...
Apart from that, Berlin is cold and not very lit by sunlight lately but we all know this...
My plans to go to New York are probably gone for this year...I will try next time, if I ll have some more money...there is a good chance I ll be in Budapest for five weeks or so though...
Something interesting to read: 1; 2.

Wayne Shorter - Adam´s Apple
Death Cab for Cutie - Plans
Death Cab for Cutie - Narrow Stairs
Phosphorescent - Pride
Elvis Costello - The Very Best of
Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion

Song of the week contest: the Phosphorescent cover of "Can I sleep in Your Arms" by W. Nelson and "Possess Your Heart" by DCFC. I picked up songs with so cheesy titles...damned...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Monday, January 05, 2009

Sunday, January 04, 2009

01/5th aka today

Vivian Girls - Self Titled
Phosphorescent - To Willie (2009)
Department of Eagles - In Ear Park
Jackie McLean - Swing Swang Swinging
Jackie McLean - Capuchin Swing
Freddie Redd Quintet - Shades of Redd

Song of the week: "Reprise" by Grizzly Bear (Yellow House) together with "Forks and Knives" by Beirut (The Flying Club Cup).

(On January the fifth, aka today, I spoke only through Skype and while ordering breakfast...The English version of Firefox does not recognize the words "Swang", "Skype" and "Capuchin" ... I do not understand the reason to say "creating quite a bit of a stress", when reproaching somebody... either you bore or you don´t, either you should not or you should ... Israel should not even dare to do what it is doing... the never ending clash of ways of behaviour ... southern or northern ... mixes up with the never ending fight between the rights and the wrongs of a piece of land as big as Tuscany ... I am so discouraged
I cooked an awesome ragĂș ...)