A personal recount of a life within Berlin, Venice and the EU

Monday, May 28, 2012

I would have loved to be in Cannes this year, though I followed the news less than those coming from Kuala Lumpur (nothing personal K.L.).
After two weeks spent in small and cozy Italian villages, I would have loved to be in the hottest spot for a couple of days. Still I have very opposing feelings for the French way of interaction. Which will probably never go away.
Back in Berlin since yesterday.

New stuff I have been listening to:
Liars´ new album
Japandroids´ new album
Beach House
Barenboim directing Staatskapelle for Bruckner´s Symphonies
Barenboim doing the same for Beethoven´s Symphonies
Damon Albarn´s new project
Sigur Ros´ new album
Johnny and Santo
Hilary Hahn and Hauschka´s Silfra

To sum up this post NPR Music rules and/or Spotify does not.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

We need to blog more, says S.Lobo.
After three days of re:publica, a conference on internet and similar in a G8 country with a lively civil society and amazing cultural institutions, I believe we should also try to talk more to each other in person, at least when there is the opportunity.
Tweeting can be fun and useful...during a conference which implies the physical presence of their participants, the full-on tweeting seemed to me a bit sick...you can pick a session at your choice and see whether the laughter for a joke is delayed as the audience is stucked with a RT of some sort of RT or FF which will be forgotten as fast as the hype for Windows Vista...

Internet is seen as a sort of solution for everything by many: when is the shop open? Check online, dude! What is the weather like tomorrow? Check the website, dude. German girls buy a lot of their shoes online, which has some very visible consequences for the most (that looks horrible, darling) but make their budgets happy...
There is a lot of truth in the fact that internet helps us through our daily duties and social challenges...the more it gets to the core of our interests, the more we need to interface it with something offline...unless we are all digital nerds...which I hope it wont be the case, ever
I can use yelp all my life as long as I actually visit restaurants....I can overload Instagram with my shots as long as I keep my eyes open, I can care for a Mindestlohn as long as I see the dignity of people everyday while being around the city...if not so, well my blog entries become rather shallow while my thoughts get haunted by some #shitstorm of no importance.

On the other side many think that people willing to control the internet behave with an hidden, though awful, goal...
I think that most of the time the goal is much simpler (but not because of this less awful) than many think....it is called making money asap.

I have no solution but maybe we should all show the evil capitalists 3.0 that the online world and the offline reality are two sides of the same story, and that we need to add more offline links to our life on the internet, for our own sake and for letting internet remain driven by human needs and not by hashtags trends...

Liquid democracy sounds maybe cool...to me it does sound like biofuel...still CO2 pollution, but with a human face, dude...